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Several years ago when my daughter Nancy was about 4 years old she gave me some insight to the world after death. Her Great Grandmother was dying and I kind of wanted to explain to her a little bit about the death process. I had just picked her up from her childcare facility when I breeched the subject by saying, “You know Maw is sick and will be going to Heaven soon don’t you?” She looked at me and told me, “No, she is going to the other place.” I replied, “The other place? You mean that Maw is going to Hell?” We had taught her the difference between heaven and hell and she had been attending church every time the doors were open. She knew the difference. She answered my question about maw going to Hell with, “No, she is going to that other place. This got my attention. “What other place?” This is where she gave me insight to the afterlife. She told me that another place exists where we go after death to pick out our next Mommy and Daddy. A place where we stay until this decision is made and we pick where we are going to live and if we will have a brother or a sister. In other words, we go to a place where we map out our next life. Could it be????? That really got me to thinking and is probably the point where my journey started to hunt for proof of an afterlife. I for one believe in reincarnation. How about you?

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