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Little Rock by day is a vibrant, modern metropolis, alive with commerce and energy. By night, however, it is a city of the unquiet dead. At the Arkansas State Capitol, a politician's spirit rides the elevator. On Woodson Lateral Road, a pale girl in a torn dress flags down drivers for a final ride. At The Empress of Little Rock Bed and Breakfast, a ghostly gentleman greets guests on the stairs. Across the Arkansas River, in the bowels of the U.S.S. Razorback submarine, spectral sailors stand at eternal battle stations. Just down the street at the library in Argenta, a phantom mob is doomed to replay their part in a terrible crime. In Mount Holly Cemetery, the headstones creep across the grass by moonlight, witnessed only by wraiths in Victorian dress.

These are just some of the stories to be found in The Ghosts of Little Rock -- a blood-chilling journey to 18 of Central Arkansas' most haunted places. Written by the paranormal investigators who have been there long after the living have locked the doors and gone home for the night, it is a stroll down some of the darkest streets in the city, to places where the dead refuse to stay dead.

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Arkansas is known as "The Natural State" because of lush green forests and waterways teeming with wildlife. But as the sun goes down and the creatures of the night emerge, Arkansas becomes "The Supernatural State." As a result of having deposits of quartz, bauxite, iron ores, and magnetite, a rare form of naturally magnetized iron, Arkansas is a natural paranormal lens focusing on spirit activity. Join investigators in a search for the truth behind Arkansas' most infamous paranormal mysteries. Meet the angry Mena Poltergeist, who runs people out of their homes, and the ghostly Sheriff of Nevada County, who roams the halls of the Old Washington Jail Bed and Breakfast. Learn about the fierce Gowrow Monster of the Ozarks that feeds on livestock and young children and the legendary Fouke Monster, known to attack people without warning. Read accounts of alien abductions, UFOs, and more. Unexplainable mysteries and terrifying hauntings await you in Arkansas. Sweet screams...  

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Arkansas is known as The Natural State because of lush green forests and waterways teeming with wildlife. But as the sun goes down and the night creatures emerge, it’s a good idea to lock your doors and windows.  Some of the noises you hear  may not be normal and that dark shadow that you see standing in the corner of your room, may not be just a shadow. Now settle in under your covers and discover what scary creatures lurk just outside your windows. 


Join us as paranormal investigators search for the truth behind some of Arkansas’ most infamous paranormal mysteries like the Portal at Monte Ne. Come travel with investigators through the lush forests as they hunt down Machinitou, Native American Legend or the Dog Boy of Quitman.. Read firsthand accounts of unexplainable shadows lurking within homes and get ready to be scared as many more mysteries await as you follow the adventures of paranormal  investigators as they hunt the back roads of Arkansas. 

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