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Writer / Director (2017) Sarah Say Hi Productions

Come with us as we travel the dark back roads of Arkansas in search of haunted locations where only the brave of heart go. Watch a woman struggle as spirits surround her; hold your breath as a black Hell Hound stalks a man and his wife; see a ghostly girl lure a man into her home and listen as a couple sit in their darkened home shocked by an argument between two ghosts. Join us as we talk to the men and women that search for evidence of hauntings and help us to understand why they do what they do, these Arkansas ghost hunters, these seekers of truth. 

Alan Lowe 

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Writer / Director (2018) Sarah Says Hi Productions  

In December of 1863 Young David is taken prisoner at a Union check point south of Little Rock, Arkansas. Some questionable papers were found on his person and the Sergeant felt that he should be held until someone could assure that he was not a spy trying to ferret out information to Rebel troops. The papers that were in questioned turned out to be written in Morse Code detailing strengths and weaknesses of union troops garrisoned around and in Little Rock. He was arrested and forced to stand trial at a Military Tribunal with no chance of a fair trial. He was convicted and hung on a cold winter's day in January of 1864. This is his story. Written by Alan Lowe 

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Writer / Director (2019) Sarah Says Hi Productions  

On Christmas morning, Chloe Parker opens a present from her parents that will change her life forever. Pre-teen Chloe opens the last and most important present of the day. It is an antique Teddy Bear that her father picked up at an estate sale. Little does she know that the bear is possessed by an evil spirit. The evil spirit that resides within befriends the lonely girl and gets her to do its bidding. Bad goes to worse and Chloe is institutionalized for deeds of which she has no memory.  

 Four long years later, Chloe Parker is released to a halfway home where she is to be watched and re-populated gradually back into school and everyday life. Once her things are returned, she finds her long lost friend, the Teddy Bear. The good memories flow but soon give way to the spirit’s controlling ways. She is back in trouble again and starts to remember why she was locked away. 

 Can Chloe cope and adjust to her dark memories, or will the bear win her over and take full control of the sweet baby girl? Will the spirit leave her broken and empty of all feelings? Only time will tell.    


Assistant Director (2020) Planet Muzic Studios   

The district bishop, Bishop Allan Blake, sends a white pastor, Michael Oliver, and his family to an all black church in the roughest urban community. Bishop Blake sends the black pastor, Henry Wilkins and his family to an all white church in the suburbs. The plot shows how church folk act from both sides of the congregations. Some members are for the switch and some..well they down right can't stand it. Some congregation members will do everything in their power to sabotage the pastors. Written by Tiffany Sturdivant 


Assistant Director (2020) Planet Muzic Studios  

A young mulatto slave finds herself caught between the affections of two plantation owners. 


Writer / Director (2020) Sarah Says Hi Productions


Talk to nearly anyone south of the Mason/Dixon line, and chances are they either know a ghost story they heard as true, or have seen a ghost themselves. There are those that believe that the south is one big melting pot of insanity. Most of our countries eccentric personalities and crazies are either from the south or live there. Some say the South is more haunted than anywhere else in the world because our capacity to believe -- a belief born of being told from an early age that the spirits of the dead are always with us. It was this odd mix of legend, myth, faith and soul that helped spawn Spirits of the South, one our country’s foremost paranormal research group. As they travel about the south in search of Casper this group of mostly blue-collar Joes and Jane’s spends their weekends seeking the truth about the afterlife for their own very personal reason.  

Striving to be as scientifically rigorous as possible, Spirits of the South uses a variety of night vision cameras, audio equipment and other devices -- purchased on the group’s shoestring budget -- in their search for evidence of the paranormal. Just as quick to debunk claims as they are to declare a place haunted, their travels sometimes put them at odds with skeptics, and often lead to places long-steeped in superstition. Though their investigations sometime result in moments of unintentional comedy, the evidence they return with is often enough to chill the blood.  

Almost as interesting as the strange photos, video and audio recordings the Spirits of the South capture, the interpersonal interactions between the ghost hunters themselves, including Chuck, the young construction worker who claims nothing but acts as if he knows everything; Dave, Spirits of the South sometimes-skeptical tech director and God’s gift to women; Diane, the gregarious, psychic and kid sister of the group; Terry, Joe Cool and scardy cat who runs from his own shadow; last and definitely not least there is Tony the old school southern connection and momma’s  boy and a larger cast of characters who all come to the search with their own goals and agendas.  

Come along as we explore things that go bump in the night with our fearful, I mean fearless troupe of young…Ghost Hunters.

SHORT #1  Pilot  - Sarah   The team meets a ghost that refuses to leave the house and winds up attached to Dave.

SHORT #2  Smelly Shelly  On a plantation where the ghost of the original owner has flatulence, the team struggles to                                                     find a way to get the new owner and the old owner to live in harmony.  

SHORT #3 I'm Harry but Aren't We All   The team has their first run in with Bigfoot.


Director (2020) Short Planet Muzic Studios  

Mystery and murder are plaguing the town of La Mirage, Ca. It begins with the industrialist, Gordon Devlin who is being hunted by a masked and cloaked assassin. Who make Gordon's murder look like an accident. A year later reporter, Ramone Cruz, gets a tip from the mysterious, Virgil, that Devlin's death was not an accident and that he would find the truth in the small town of La Mirage, Ca. At the same time, Danni Benson and her Friends are gearing up for graduation. In the weeks to come will be bittersweet as other students fall prey to the Unknown Killer. This sends Danni off to partner with Cruz to find the killer before he or she can strike again. But, in following the clues, both Danni and Cruz will discover there's more than meets the eye in La Mirage. 

Michael Berry 


Director (2020) Planet Muzic Studios  

Homicide Detective Katie Hanson prided herself on being an advocate for the dead. She had no idea dying would take that to an entirely new level. A near death experience has added a new skill to her crime -solving abilities..she can stream the dead. It is more than just channeling murder victim Sarah Alexander's account of her horrific murder and the murder of her two children, much more. Katie learns to stream Sarah's consciousness, her memories, her very soul. Written by Joyce Kostakis 


Assistant Director (2020) Lucid Lake Pictures

Three people, all alone in their own way, have a chance meeting, and none of them are the same again.  


Writer / Director (2021) Sarah Says Hi Productions

Coming Soon



 Prop Manager (2021) Lucid Lake Pictures

Coming May, Friday 13, 2022

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